Saturday 4 April 2015

HISS and Barrel location

I've been wondering for a while where I can locate the ignition. With my engine being a UK spec bike that includes HISS (Honda Ignition Security System - if you didn't know its Honda's security that links the keys and ECU). So the key has a transponder in it that talks to the HISS sensor thats located around the barrel.  The barrel is a separate part from the sensor and its big and bulky, I'd really like to get rid of it but the keys have to stay so might as well make use of it. 

Now where to put it, I didn't want something that heavy hanging off the dash, plus how to make the HISS look good without just cutting a hole in the dash. 

Decided to try and mount in the passenger footwall under the dash. I want to make a aluminium box that will fix to the chassis, the HISS will sit externally, the barrel and cables will be located inside. The box will also house a battery isolation switch. 

I've made a cardboard template for the box to try and get an idea of the size and where it will sit. 

There are some IVA issues I need to take into account, I am still reading up on these but basically the radius restrictions come into play as its in the passenger footwell.  

UPDATE:  Later on I decided not to use the box

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